Soal No.68 Literasi Bahasa Inggris
Fast food is widely known in most populated countries. Now, fast food has become part of urban people's life because it offers a delicious quick-meal at a small price. However, consuming fast food such as hot dog, hamburger, fried chicken, soft drink, and many others may frequently cause several bad impacts on your health.
In many countries, dieticians often emphasize the dangers of consuming too much fast food. Fast food is high in calories but they come from unhealthy fat and added sugars. Therefore, the food provides few nutrients. The imbalanced content from this kind of food may trigger various diseases. Obesity is one of the most possible impacts of consuming too much fast food. Besides, it can also increase the risk of hypertension, heart attack, as well as diabetes.
A study showed that children who consumed a lot of fast food had lower IQ than children who ate less fast food. Although the difference was subtle, the study proved that fast food that children consumed at the age between 6 and 24 months gave a small but significant effect on their IQ when they reached 8 years old.
In addition, most fast food meals have the artificial additives and sweetener to maintain their texture consistency, to give them longer shelf-life, and also to enhance the flavor. These subtances contribute to the good taste of fast food.
1Pregnant women should also avoid eating fast food. 2Eating such food is not only bad for the mother herself but also for the baby. 3The baby will be so vulnerable to hypertension and diabetes. 4Therefore, we should consult a doctor before consuming fast food. 5The cause is the preservatives in fast food that are harmful to both mother and her baby. 6Moreover, a number of studies in China have found that the rate of breast cancer among women has risen due to the consumption of fast food.
Which of the statements in paragraph 5 is NOT relevant to the topic discussed in the passage?
A. (1)
B. (2)
C. (3)
D. (4)
E. (5)
Tips : Fokuslah dan analisis paragraf yang ditanyakan. Kemudian selalu cari pokok bahasan. Dan tentukan kalimat yang tidak sesuai dengan pokok bahasan tersebut.
1Pregnant women should also avoid eating fast food. 2Eating such food is not only bad for the mother herself but also for the baby. 3The baby will be so vulnerable to hypertension and diabetes. 4Therefore, we should consult a doctor before consuming fast food. 5The cause is the preservatives in fast food that are harmful to both mother and her baby. 6Moreover, a number of studies in China have found that the rate of breast cancer among women has risen due to the consumption of fast food.
Pada paragraf tersebut, pokok bahasan utamanya adalah bahaya fast food bagi ibu hamil. Kalimat 1,2, dan 3 membahas bahaya fast food bagi ibu hamil dan calon bayi, kalimat 4 membahas ketentuan mengonsumsi fast food bagi ibu hamil, dan kalimat 5 membahas mengapa fast food berbahaya bagi ibu hamil.
Maka, kalimat 4 tidak sesuai dengan pokok bahasan paragraf 5.
Sehingga, jawaban yang tepat adalah D.
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